
卷期(号): 第039期



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(悼念 劉沙玉潔女士專欄)To my dearest great grandma
作  者: 曾外孫女 田凱霖 敬撰 出版日期: 2016-01-01
文章页数: 1 页 报告大小: 0.87M
文章字数: 419 字 所属期刊: 第039期
浏览次数:   下载次数:  在线阅读 原版阅读 下载阅读


To my dearest great grandma:Although we don't see each other that much the past few months, but I still remember the very precious time that we have been together, I loved every moment of it. I know you will have a great time there in the New World. Now that you are in the New World, you will have a great time there. I miss you so much. I loved the moments when you were hold...

关键词: 外婆 | 天堂 | 曾外孙女 | 跌倒 | 逝世